when we think of an object, we mostly get a very clear image in our heads of what we‘re thinking of. So why is it that for most of us, it is very difficult to draw it when we want to ?


when we think of an object, we mostly get a very clear image in our heads of what we‘re thinking of. So why is it that for most of us, it is very difficult to draw it when we want to ?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is tied to mechanism of imagining. First activate few memory neurons, then image is generated using them as seed. Its super hard to imagine complex object absulutly same second time.

When you try to draw (without prior training) your brain tries to use seed neurons which does contain super minimal information about image you imagined. As motoric processing part does not share information with visual processing part they have zero clue, what was generated from seed.

When people learn to paint they slowly learn to project their movement processing into visual. Very similar process happens when fighter pactice “fight with shadow”

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