When, why, how did the word “like” become inserted so frequently into the spoken English language?

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When, why, how did the word “like” become inserted so frequently into the spoken English language?

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13 Answers

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#1. Anyone saying the movie Clueless, is totally clueless. If you need evidence,  listen to Frank Zappa or watch old Scooby Doo

There’s a story from the 60s, famous journalist Walter Cronkite was supposed to read a new Winston Cigarette ad, “Winston takes like a cigarette should”

The journalist refused to say the line because of the grammatical errors, and said, ” Winston tastes as a cigarette should.”

This is often noted as one of the early examples of the word “like” being used incorrectly but it then made it’s way into popular culture and regular language. 

   “I feel as if I have a cold” 

Became: “I feel like I have a cold”

Then it evolved further away from grammatical rules….

 “Valley girl” speak, “I think I have like, a cold or something”

Now get even lazier with it!

Shaggy, “Like, I have a cold, Scoob”

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