When you hyperextend something like a knee, what exactly are you hyperextending?


Is it the ligaments? And what’s happening to them? Are they stretched out and don’t return to form? Are they pulled in a direction they’re not supposed to go? Is hyperextension the cause of most ACL/MCL injuries?

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2 Answers

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When you hyperextend your knee, it means that you are bending it the wrong way. Your knee is like a door hinge, it’s supposed to open and close in one direction. But if you push it too hard in the wrong direction, it can bend the wrong way. That’s what hyperextension is.

When you hyperextend your knee, you can hurt the things inside your knee that hold it together. These things are called ligaments. They are like strong rubber bands that keep your bones in place. When you hyperextend your knee, these ligaments can get stretched out too much. Sometimes they can even tear. That’s why it hurts.

Hyperextension can cause injuries to the ligaments in your knee, like the ACL or MCL. These are two important ligaments that help keep your knee stable.

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