– When you see jobs reports and other employment data, what period of time does this reporting actually reflect?


When we see all these jobs numbers – job openings, unemployment rate and claims, hiring, non-farm payroll, etc. – what period of time do these reports reflect?

I know these reports lag and do not capture the present state of the economy. For instance, recessions are often declared 3-6 months after they actually happen.

How much of a lag do these reports typically reflect – 4 weeks? 3 months? 6 months?

In: 4

5 Answers

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These reports list what time period they cover. For instance, if you look up the unemployment rate on the US Bureau of Labor, they state that the most-recent numbers are for the month of September 2023, and that on November 17 they will publish the unemployment rate for October.

Other reports may have different time periods. The question is like asking “When you order lunch, what comes as a side dish?” Read the menu and you’ll know.

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