When you speak to people that understand fractals, they say everywhere and everything is fractals. I have tried to understand fractals but I am completely lost, can someone please explain it like I’m 5?


Side note: I tend to find these people very eccentric, I sorta feel like they can see the matrix 🙂 I am absolutely fascinated by this but completely lost 🙂

In: 17

13 Answers

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It’s a term to describe patterns that repeat in a predictable way possibly infinitely. Trees have trunks that branch off into branches that branch off into branches which branch off into infinitely smaller branches. Coast lines are just a paradox of constantly measuring longer depending on how tight you measure the coastline, coastline length gets longer and longer depending on how close you focus on how detailed the pattern is. But the way the waves lap at the rocks break down in predictable fashion. When you recognize That predictable fashion you are recognizing a fractal, fractals are everything. Things made up of things bonded to things made of…

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