When you speak to people that understand fractals, they say everywhere and everything is fractals. I have tried to understand fractals but I am completely lost, can someone please explain it like I’m 5?


Side note: I tend to find these people very eccentric, I sorta feel like they can see the matrix 🙂 I am absolutely fascinated by this but completely lost 🙂

In: 17

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A fractal, by my understanding, is a self repeating pattern. This means that, as you zoom in closer you just get the same image back. So, take tree formation for an example. You zoom in to the trunk and it divides into two smaller trunks, then into two smaller trunks again, and then eventually it’s splitting into branches, then smaller branches, then even smaller branches, etc. All of those structures (the splits) as very very similar to each other, in fact they are just the same pattern repeating over and over. The same thing with our vascular system in our body. [Here](https://youtu.be/b005iHf8Z3g) is a visualization that may help!

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