When you “tune” a car, what exactly is it changing?



In: 639

26 Answers

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It is changing the programming of the ECU. Some of the things that are changed are:
– **Timing** – the number of degrees before/after TDC that spark plugs fire, at any given RPM and Throttle position.
– **Boost Levels** – for cars with Turbochargers, how much boost (how compressed of air) is being fed into the engine , at any given RPM and Throttle position.
– **Fuel Maps** – adjusting how much fuel is injected into cylinders, to ensure a good air/fuel mix for combustion, at any given RPM and Throttle position.
Those are probably the most common (for a general car), but there are still tons of other things, such as the fuel pump pressure, valve timing (if possible), or even the max RPM to allow the engine to go (before cutting fuel).

**Edit:** as u/80081356942 pointed out, there is also suspension tuning. This would be the processes of changing the ride height of the suspension, and its springiness, as well as changing the angles that the tire meet the road (camber, toe, and caster), to optimize tire contact for whatever you’re doing.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any, or to add any to my list if I forgot something obvious.

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