when your brakes fail, can you shift to Reverse in order to stop the vehicle? why or why not?


I’m mostly thinking about a scenario where you are going down a highway (say, at 120kmh for the sake of the example) and suddenly your brakes fail

could shifting to Reverse function as a brake in that situation?

edit: thank you all for the answers, I want to note that I myself don’t drive and did not consider doing this, I was just wondering if this was possible

have a lovely day o/

In: 11

75 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming the handbrake doesn’t work. No. You’ll grind your reverse gear to scrap. Best advice is in a manual, change down to sequentially lower gears and let the car come to a stop. Throwing the car sideways might work but more than likely you’ll end up rolling the car as the road isn’t wide enough to really get the maneuver to work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shifting into reverse if you trans allows it will cause a catastrophic failure of the transmission causing the wheels to lock and inevitably a catastrophic crash.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was a kid, my mom accidentally did this while driving down the highway, it basically just killed the engine and put it in neutral – you are better off down shifting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

[myth buster did it.](https://youtu.be/hakNxO5pME4)

It’s about halfway thru the video when they start “testing”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming the handbrake doesn’t work. No. You’ll grind your reverse gear to scrap. Best advice is in a manual, change down to sequentially lower gears and let the car come to a stop. Throwing the car sideways might work but more than likely you’ll end up rolling the car as the road isn’t wide enough to really get the maneuver to work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming the handbrake doesn’t work. No. You’ll grind your reverse gear to scrap. Best advice is in a manual, change down to sequentially lower gears and let the car come to a stop. Throwing the car sideways might work but more than likely you’ll end up rolling the car as the road isn’t wide enough to really get the maneuver to work.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was a kid, my mom accidentally did this while driving down the highway, it basically just killed the engine and put it in neutral – you are better off down shifting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was a kid, my mom accidentally did this while driving down the highway, it basically just killed the engine and put it in neutral – you are better off down shifting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shifting into reverse if you trans allows it will cause a catastrophic failure of the transmission causing the wheels to lock and inevitably a catastrophic crash.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shifting into reverse if you trans allows it will cause a catastrophic failure of the transmission causing the wheels to lock and inevitably a catastrophic crash.