when you’re sick with a cold/flu why do you feel better in the morning but progressively feel worse throughout the day, particularly at night?


when you’re sick with a cold/flu why do you feel better in the morning but progressively feel worse throughout the day, particularly at night?

In: 731

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It has to do with cortisol, a steroid which affects your immune system. Steroids like cortisol push down your immune system (relatively, it’s not huge) and your immune system’s response to disease is what causes the majority of your “sick” symptoms like fever, chills, body aches, etc. At night your cortisol levels are low and they spike shortly before you wake up in the morning (this has nothing to do with you being sick but is part of your normal day/night body cycle). That means your viral symptoms will typically be/feel worse at night.

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