Earth revolves around its own axis in approximately 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. If we measure the length of a day by 24 hours we hour saving 180+56=234 seconds a day. In a year that is 234 * 365 = 85, 410 seconds. In 4 years that is 341,640 seconds. Now a say has 86400 seconds, so we are the end of 4 year we have 341,640/86400 = 3.95 days. But we add 1 day to February after 4 years. Why is this?
In: 2
Think about one year. You are short 85,410 seconds or 23.725 hours. Basically you are short one day.
But now think about what happens when Earth revolves around the sun. Once it gets halfway around the sun if you are counting to the same 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds then the side of Earth the sun is on is reversed and what was midnight before is now high noon! Instead if you count to 24 hours then it stays synchronized such that you have accumulated an offset of half a day once Earth is halfway around the sun, and midnight is still at night. The same offset occurs on the second half of the revolution which explains that missing day.
Now look at that remaining .725 hours. Basically you are short about a quarter of an hour every day. After four years you will need to add a day back!
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