Earth revolves around its own axis in approximately 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. If we measure the length of a day by 24 hours we hour saving 180+56=234 seconds a day. In a year that is 234 * 365 = 85, 410 seconds. In 4 years that is 341,640 seconds. Now a say has 86400 seconds, so we are the end of 4 year we have 341,640/86400 = 3.95 days. But we add 1 day to February after 4 years. Why is this?
In: 2
The earth rotates around its own axis in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds *relative to other stars*. Relative to the sun, it rotates in 24 hours. This is because, while it’s orbiting the sun, it’s completing one extra rotation relative to the sun
To demonstrate this for yourself, hold an object in front of you with both hands and turn around 360° while preserving the object’s rotation relative to the room you’re in. Notice how the object rotates from your perspective
I’m not good at ELI5, but this Wikipedia page explains it well:
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