Where did southern accents in the US come from?


Where did southern accents in the US come from?

In: 3138

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

(Not a linguist, so this is a half-remembered scrap from some documentary.)

There are different types of “southern accent”, but apparently from the various countries of origin of the settlers. Various UK, French, and German accents, slowed down and drawn, apparently become Southern drawls or Northern twangs, depending on how they’re reinforced by a closed group of people.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

(Not a linguist, so this is a half-remembered scrap from some documentary.)

There are different types of “southern accent”, but apparently from the various countries of origin of the settlers. Various UK, French, and German accents, slowed down and drawn, apparently become Southern drawls or Northern twangs, depending on how they’re reinforced by a closed group of people.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Southern accents are made fun of quite a bit but honestly everywhere I’ve ever been people have told me that they love to hear us talk. I’ve even disappointed some folks that found out I was from the south when my accent wasn’t as strong as they hoped it would be.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Southern accents are made fun of quite a bit but honestly everywhere I’ve ever been people have told me that they love to hear us talk. I’ve even disappointed some folks that found out I was from the south when my accent wasn’t as strong as they hoped it would be.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Southern accents are made fun of quite a bit but honestly everywhere I’ve ever been people have told me that they love to hear us talk. I’ve even disappointed some folks that found out I was from the south when my accent wasn’t as strong as they hoped it would be.