Where did southern accents in the US come from?


Where did southern accents in the US come from?

In: 3138

48 Answers

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There is not single southern accent. I’m from Georgia and people from different regions of the state sound different from each other. There’s even a generational difference too. My father was in his 50’s when I was born, and his accent and other of his age sounded different than my own accent and other people my age. And then there are different accents in other states too. My mom is from South Carolina and her side of the family has a very different accent from my fathers side. I rang up a customer at my first job and asked if he was from coastal South Carolina. He said yes and asked how I knew. I told him because he sounded just like my grandfather.

Source: I’ve live in the south all my life. All of the above is anecdotal

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