Where did the first micro organisms on earth come from?


Whenever someone talks about the first stages of life on earth they always start when there are already organisms. Where did those first organisms come from?

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8 Answers

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As others have pointed out, dont know and there will be no way to know with certainty. There are, however theories!.. One of such is that life supports the movement of entropy as it is supposed to increase with time. Seems counterintuitive as organisms are structured, regulated beings that are complex and seem to be the opposite of entropy but their existence (moving, consuming, replicating) does increase entropy. However that is not a satisfactory explanation, at least to me.

Another way to put it is, life is quite literally a molecular machine. It needs parts to function. What parts? Well if you consider the Miller – Urey Experiment, they basically outline how a primitive Earth could have made those original parts.



BUT you need to put the parts together in a certain way for them to function properly. So here comes the theory of our oceans being a “Primordial soup” filled with these components. Assembling randomly, for perhaps millions of years. Until a version of a functioning molecular machine worked, was able to self-perpetuate/replicate and go through division. This seems far-fetched, and it really does seem that way. But it is the best case we seem to have (outside of considering being created by a higher intelligence but that would beg the question of what created THEM!). Combine the theories of having the unassembled working parts with oceans of molecular soup assembling randomly with millions of years of collisions between particles to make a simple molecular machine that ends up dividing with the theory of the Boltzmann Brain, which seems nearly infinitely more unlikely. Humans see probability differently, we have finite lives. The chance of you of falling into a manhole is one in a few million but it can happen. If you were immortal and always stepped on a manhole cover on an infinite time scale, eventually you would find one that you would fall into.


So, its not the 99% of girls that turn you down when you ask them out. Its that 1% that matter, because they will be the ones that are around.

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