Where did the Mongols find resources to conquer such a massive land area?


Where did the Mongols find resources to conquer such a massive land area?

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12 Answers

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The mongols had key technological and strategy advantages over Europeans in that they used weapons and tactics that European armies had no effective defense against at that time.

Mongols fought from horseback and used compound bows that they were trained to fire on the move. While Europeans also used horses they didn’t rely on there’s to nearly the same extent the mongols did. Mongols essentially had an all vehicle army long before anyone else did. They had extensive and effective long range communications, and their entire force and supply train was highly mobile.

While European knights were very well armored the Mongols fought with limited armor making them much faster and more maneuverable. They were able to hit and fade and exploit their enemies weaknesses much better than the Europeans.

The term ‘mongol hoard’ is pretty descriptive of how they were able to amass so many resources. They were a nomadic people that move their armies from place to place while raiding and taking resources from the very places they conquered. The more successful they were, the more resources they had to work with.

Being a nomadic people they didn’t require a lot of luxuries and were used to subsisting on not a lot as well

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