Where did the Santa mythos come from? Why is it generally agreed upon in western society that he’s a fat old man who lives in the North Pole at a workshop with elves and reindeer?


Where did the Santa mythos come from? Why is it generally agreed upon in western society that he’s a fat old man who lives in the North Pole at a workshop with elves and reindeer?

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5 Answers

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Some of the St Nicholas myth is historically accurate, he was likely a leader in one of the Christian -ish culst in the reindeer parts of Northern Europe. This is also where the “North Pole” part comes in. Above the Arctic Circle, almost certainly.

The story gets a little weird from there. Hallucinogenic mushrooms and what not. Perhaps less solid historic evidence for that.

As for the fat man, that’s where the advertising guys come in. A lot of the modern ‘look’ of Santa, especially in North America, comes from Santa being used commercially. Coca Cola’s work is key to this.

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