Where do electrons come from in generators?


I know that electrons are basically the way electronics work on a basic level, “current! and magic?”

But I dunno what that means. Which probably is a good reason why I don’t know the answer of my question. Here we go:

When a generator makes power (which I think means it sends electrons down a line?) The electrons that the generator shoves down the pipe gotta come from somewhere right? Do they just manifest? It’s called a generator for a reason?

Electrons are a part of atoms right? So one would assume those pieces of an atom have got to be replaced? Or made. Or surely itll be some freakish atom eventually with 0 electrons and 82 neutrons and protons. Probably giving folks cancer.

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The key point that is perhaps missing from the other (excellent) explanations is that your electrical circuit has to form a loop. If you imagine the generator pushing electrons in one direction then they go into one end of the loop, and that pushes other electrons out of the other end of the loop into the generator. So electrons aren’t created or destroyed by the generator, it just moves electrons which already exist around.

This is why a plug has two main prongs: a supply and a return, typically called live and neutral.

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