– where do the snakes go when there is a flood?


– where do the snakes go when there is a flood?

In: 11

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most snakes can swim, and many spend a lot of time in the water. Snakes breathe air, so they must go to the water to stay wet, or they will eventually dry out and suffocate. However, not all snakes can swim well enough to catch fish or move quickly through the water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They swim, go up trees, hitch rides on gloating debris….. same things as every otter land animal.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Snakes are excellent climbers, despite not having any legs. They can scale a nearly vertical surface if the wall has enough irregularities in it (such as a brick wall with deep morter lines between the bricks).

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is, “up.” Snakes can swim, but they also climb. They are able to get into a lot of places you might not expect them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To the highest ground they can get to or up a tree.

This is a very good reason not to go into flood water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Snakes can both swim decently, and climb incredibly well.

The climbing part is surprising, until you remember the snake is basically one long, muscular hand

Anonymous 0 Comments

A friend from New Orleans said during Katrina, couples had to sleep on rooftops in shifts, so that one person was always awake to fend off the snakes crawling for a dry place to chill.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anyone wanting to learn about snakes join this group on Facebook. What Kind of snake is this? North Texas. Even if you do not live in Texas, this is an educational group with reptile rehabbers and herpers running the site. Your knowledge can then be used in learning specific information about snakes in your region.