Where does all the Money from all the patents that are given for products or inventions go?


Like if someone invents a product or machine or something, they pay money to get a patent to the patent office of the United States, but then where does that money go? There’s got to be trillions of dollars that has been collected if every product for sale is patented right?

In: 2

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you invent something new, you can patent it (most of the time). In order to do so, you pay a fee to the government (the patent office), who then check if it is really your invention, if it is a new invention, if something like it already has been patented, if it is relevant enough to be patented,…

Once you hold the patent, no one is allowed to use your invention without your permission. Which either means no one else can use it (for example Lego up until recently), or you charge a fee to anyone who wants to use your patent.

This fee is essentially your profit from inventing the thing in the first place, since R&D takes a lot of resources.

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