Where does the “9/10 dentists recommend this toothpaste” claim come from?


Where does the “9/10 dentists recommend this toothpaste” claim come from?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They do a study and ask a bunch of dentists about the toothpaste. In general, if you ask 1,000 people if they like something, it’s sort of weird if all 1,000 say “yes”. So some dentists inevitably don’t recommend it.

But if you asked 500 dentists and 468 of them decided they recommend it, that’s `468 / 500 = 0.93` or 93%. You can now legally say “9 out of 10” and that sounds better than “93 out of 100”.

Why would some dentist NOT recommend a toothpaste? Who knows. People are weird. They might have a lot of patients with sensitive teeth and only recommend those kinds of toothpaste. They might’ve been angry that day. Maybe they hate the brand. You generally can’t get a few hundred people to unanimously agree on something. But unless your toothpaste is REALLY bad, odds are if you survey enough dentists 9/10 will check a box that agrees it’s good.

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