If you look a the water distibution of eart at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_distribution_on_Earth#Distribution_of_saline_and_fresh_water](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_distribution_on_Earth)
The oceans are 96.5% of all water.
Lakes are 0.013% of all water and close to an even split between the salt and freshwater lake. Of all lake water, the Caspian Sea contains 43% of it.
Rivers contain 0.00015% of all water. Swamps 0.00083%
Sall all of the larger body of water that has shrunken or disparaged only contained a minuscule part of the water on earth, to begin with. So a small percentage
Something like the melting of glaciers will have a large effect on the ocean that is because 1.74% of all water on earth is in the. That is 68.7% of all fresh water. All fresh groundwater on earth is another 30.1% of the freshwater. This makes up 98.1% of all fresh water on earth.
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