Two different things to consider here:
1) Due to a more energized climate, storms are stronger and heavier. This exacerbates drought conditions as heavy rain storms are over quicker and tend to wash away dirt rather than soak into the ground.
2) Places that are already wetter, SE Asia, the Subcontinent, and others, are getting heavier rain than before.
So, places that are already dry are getting drier and storms are stronger, which ironically, makes droughts worse.
There’s a set amount of water on land, in oceans, and in the air (as water vapor and as clouds).
The amounts at each are continually changing in the natural water cycle.
Climate change warmth is causing more moisture to evaporate faster and that’s water that could’ve fed the water table and the connected streams that feed rivers and lakes.
The extra ~~moisturizer~~ moisture in the air amplifies the trapping of heat (the emitted infrared light by stuff on ground cannot pass through water nor co2, so its energy is delayed from leaving the Earth while the heat of sunlight is adding more, therefore the extra buildup of heat is evaporating the water on Earth’s surface faster.
I mean, Seoul South Korea currently has record-breaking rain and severe enough flooding that it’s killing people.
It also rains over the ocean, so the total amount of rain falling on all land decreasing isn’t impossible. There does not have to be as much land getting more rain as areas getting less rain. But some land areas ARE getting more rain.
Go to any random city, walk a city block and enter a store. Look at the back cooler, and see all that liquid, well multiply that a billion times. That’s just a drop in the bucket of the amount of water we have taken out of the natural water cycle. We literally divert entire rivers, just for Coca-Cola. Every drop we take out of nature to just sit there, is a drop not consumed by a plant or animal. Might not be %100 the definitive answer, but it’s part of the answer.
Doesnt matter how much money earth has if its on mars.
Doesnt matter how much water nature has if humans control it.
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