where is all of the water going?


As it seems like the entire world is currently suffering with drought conditions, what happens to all of the water? I would think if one area is suffering a drought others would have heavy rain but that doesn’t seem to be happening.

In: 6

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Go to any random city, walk a city block and enter a store. Look at the back cooler, and see all that liquid, well multiply that a billion times. That’s just a drop in the bucket of the amount of water we have taken out of the natural water cycle. We literally divert entire rivers, just for Coca-Cola. Every drop we take out of nature to just sit there, is a drop not consumed by a plant or animal. Might not be %100 the definitive answer, but it’s part of the answer.

Doesnt matter how much money earth has if its on mars.

Doesnt matter how much water nature has if humans control it.

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