Where is the trillions of dollars lost in the crypto market going?


From what understand, money doesn’t just disappear. When you’re at a poker table playing, the sum of money everyone started with is the same at the end(when someone loses $100, other(s) gain $100). If I sell you a crypto for $100 and it drops to $0, I would still have your $100. In this case, wouldn’t someone/some groups of people get all the money that is currently being lost?

In: 6

29 Answers

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1. crypto is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it
2. crypto isn’t the only thing you can buy

let’s imagine you sell me that $100 of crypto and I turn around to sell it for $1. that $99 difference doesn’t just disappear.. it just gets spent on other stuff like clothes, gas, someone’s wages. the money is still at the poker table, its just being controlled by different people at the table.

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