– Where old old old internet files go to DIE????!!!!


Everything that’s ever been on the internet is still there, just hiding.
Thus spoke a wiser person than me. Well, as a non-CIA spy with god-level access to ALL of the internet, I want to find really old images and mp3s posted in the late 90s/early 2000s to sites that no longer exist. The Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org has allowed me to see tantalizing snapshots of old web pages, but where is all that old content now? Is there a better way to search for old images and audio? obv.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it wasn’t cached on WayBack, and isn’t currently on a server it’s probably gone forever. When you shut down a website they delete your data, and whoever owned it may not even wanted it anymore.

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