Which side in chess would win if both players played “perfectly”?


Isn’t chess a “finite” game where no luck is involved? Are computers able to calculate perfect strategies for both players?

And if yes, then which side is at the advantage?

In: 11

32 Answers

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While chess is finite the number of possible chess games are so many that there are not enough material in the observable universe to store the outcome of all of them. So it is impossible for a computer to calculate all the possible moves. But from what we can calculate it does appear as if white have the advantage from the opening because they go first. This advantage is worth roughly half a pawn. But this is far from a winning advantage and just a slight skew in the win rate statistics. But it is enough that tournaments make sure that players get to play equally many games with each color. And often make sure that each pair of players face each other twice in the tournament with the colors reversed.

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