Who are sociopaths’ and why do they exist in population?


Can they feel love? Mercy?

Is their life is the most important thing for them?

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6 Answers

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Basically it boils down to the following traits. Why the exist tends to be related to their early childhood environment. Children who do not have structure in their lives while in early childhood (2-5 years old) tend to not develop the natural process of understanding boundaries and how to deal with said boundaries.

You’ll see this quite a bit with helicopter parents who refuse to allow their children to experience anything challenging. It’s a natural part of development to fail and learn, if that process is broken it causes all sorts of behavioral issues.

* ignoring social norms and laws, or breaking rules at school or work, overstepping social boundaries, stealing, stalking and harassing others, and destroying property
* dishonesty and deceit, including using false identities and manipulating others for personal gain
* difficulty controlling impulses and planning for the future, or acting without considering the consequences
* aggressive or aggravated behavior, including frequent fights or physical conflict with others disregard for personal safety, or the safety of others
* difficulty managing responsibilities, including showing up at work, handling tasks, or paying rent and bills
* little to no guilt or remorse, or a tendency to justify actions that negatively affect others

I’ve taught martial arts for over 20 years and have seen “trouble children” come in time after time and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the child they just haven’t been allowed to experience a natural learning process and figure things out for themselves in an environment with predictable rules. When parents negotiate with children the child has to deal with random variables and nothing remains the same from day to day which interferes with their ability to follow a thought process through to a predictable outcome. I’ve had several dozen children over the years where the parents have come in and told me their child “no longer needs their meds” which just breaks my heart when the child probably never needed to be medicated in the first place.

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