who are the Freemasons, what do they believe/do?


who are the Freemasons, what do they believe/do?

In: 145

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Freemasons are members of a club for adult men. The club has been around for several centuries but is based on legends of workers guilds that go back much longer. At the club meetings, the members have dinners to socialize. They manage the finances of the club. They decide to support charities with money. They induct new members in ceremonies that are like plays. The members recite their lines, telling the stories of stonemasons from the time of the Old Testament. These ceremonies also teach moral lessons on how to be a good person and friend to other members.

[Edit: Adding that in some countries there are Freemason clubs that admit adult female members. In other countries, there are related clubs for women, for boys, and for girls.]

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most people will tell you their standard propaganda.

What I’ve personally seen is most people join because they think it will advance their career/social network/opportunities for advancement or employment. Basically as an organization they want to improve communities and such but on an individual basis most people join for selfish reasons. It’s one of the main reasons why I never asked one to be one.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We all want to think they run the world. Really it’s a bunch of nerds that get together to feel like they’re a part of something greater than themselves.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A friend of mine joined a few years ago and it was all pretty ridiculous. He bought a ring with the logo on it lol. One of our friends asked if it was a secret society and he replied “well it’s actually a society with secrets”. And yeah at the end of the day it’s just a social club that might occasionally get you out of a speeding ticket or help you network a bit for your career. Nothing wrong with that I guess but at least the one mason i know was a real dork about it and took himself too seriously

He got in by asking a guy we worked with who is a member – a mid level office worker in a US government agency, if anyone cares about that detail

Anonymous 0 Comments

My wife’s late grandma was once the head of The Order of the Amaranth, the national chapter of women within the Freemasons. This would have been many decades ago, probably early-middle 20th century. Her grandparents owned a large nationally recognized company, that I won’t name, for confidentiality reasons.

I don’t know the state of the Masons today, but from what I’ve learned about what went on back then, the Freemasons were/are a very real and fairly powerful secret society, consisting of wealthy business owners and politicians. They gathered in secret mostly to network, discuss business or political plans of ambiguous legality, organize philanthropic efforts, and conduct ritualistic traditions. They’re not quite the Illuminati, but they did run society at a certain level. They use a lot of symbols and ciphers, for both secrecy and for tradition. I have a few old Freemason booklets and documents that I can’t even read because they’re in code.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an old boys network for men who didn’t go to the right school…. Now skull and bones that’s something else…

Anonymous 0 Comments

All I know is that what goes on in lodges is basically the same thing that goes on in Mormon Temples, down to the clothing and what is said.

Apparently Joseph Smith was inspired after joining the Freemasons.