Who determines which end of the street is number 1? Is it also the same person who decides which side of the street is odd vs even?

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Had the thought pop into my head randomly the other day. I’m assuming this is a town planning thing, but is there any sort of a guideline for making these decisions?

In: Other

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I grew up in a neighborhood that was shaped like a P – one road that you can follow all the way around the loop to a stop sign, then turn left and drive out on the sane road you came in on.

The numbering was bizarre. When you enter the neighborhood, the house on the left was number 1, and next to it was 2, 3, etc. Follow the outer loop of houses all the way around, and you end at house number 54 right across from #1. Then the “island” in the loop of the P picked up at #55 and continued up to 67 or so.

It was wild, but only in retrospect. Growing up there, I never understood why houses would be numbered any differently.

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