who names the generations? Why did we start using the phonetic alphabet? Why is it gonna be gen beta and not bravo?

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who names the generations? Why did we start using the phonetic alphabet? Why is it gonna be gen beta and not bravo?

In: Other

17 Answers

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Googling generation names provides following names with some of their characteristics. Other answers already talk about how the names came about.

Lost – 1883-1900 – young adults during ww1

Greatest – 1900-25 – adults during ww2

Silent – 28-45 – Children of great depression and ww2

Baby boomers – 46-64 – Saw prosperity post ww2

X – 65-80 – Grew up when tech was advancing

Millennials/Y – 81-96 – old enough to see turn of the century

Z – 1997-2012

Alpha – 2010-24

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