: who watches and consumes because of ads? why are they still a ‘thing’? as “everyone” seems to hate them and looks for ways to not see them, but ads are increasing and added to everything.


how and why are ads so effective?

ads are increasing by an alarming amount and being stuffed literally eveywhere and in everything?!

and i dont know a single person that watches them or ever purchased anything because of them, not even the moest gullible people thet where scamed with all sorts of bullshit

In: 185

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You see the name of one beer on TV. You go to a store, to buy beer. As an otherwise uninformed consumer of beer, you gravitate towards the one you recognise the name of – after all, they advertise, they can’t be THAT bad compared to a beer you never heard of.

And that is roughly how ads get you to buy things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unfortunately, they do work. You buy rice crispies and not crispy rice because you know the name. You know the name because you’ve seen the ad 1000 times.

Ever ordered Papa Johns? You sure didn’t do it because it’s healthy or cheap. You did it cause you saw an ad, thought it looked good, and started craving it. You may not have even realized the ad did it, but it did.

Of course it’s gotten out of control. Ads = revenue and so companies are buying as much as they possibly can, in search of the almighty dollar. They aren’t going to stop, because that would mean less revenue, and they have paid off congress to never regulate Ads, like other countries do. So expect things to get worse not better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I find TV ads mostly unhelpful. I sometimes see an ad on Youtube that is cool, but basically if I like something, it’s not due to and ad. There are notable exceptions: I’ve visited websites for products after clicking on an IG ad. Most of the time, the products are too expensive, but I did buy the fadeaway temporary tattoos due to the ad. I see a lot of clothing ads on social media. I started buying things on Wish for awhile due to the relentless FB ads, but stopped after I got some products. Their things are low quality. My clothing decisions are mainly due to what I see on the streets and in the shops. If I already like something, then the ads do influence me a bit, I suppose.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t know anyone who admits responding to ads, but I’ll bet you know a lot of people who pay a premium for brand name products.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In marketing, although we don’t serve video ads to folks.

Name recognition is part of it. Sales and discounts help tremendously. Maybe you were kinda sorta thinking you needed new pants in the future and all of a sudden your local pants supplying store has a sale going on and you see a banner ad for it. You’ll probably think, well it’s a sale and you do need new pants, so you go and buy new pants. While you’re there, you buy shirts too because who couldn’t use a few new shirts?

Western society (but probably not just us?) is predominately a consumer based society. Our countries function on the trade of consumer goods for money. Welcome to capitalism. People want your money, and they are going to do ANYTHING to get it.

You should, unless you’ve gone out of the way to avoid or fuck up the algorithms, be getting served ads that are relevant. Your age, viewing history, suspected gender and sexual orientation, past purchases, etc all feed into the algorithm that says you might like pants. So you get an ad about pants.

Some folks are very pegged by the algorithm. You might not be since you’re ad-adverse, but you are in the minority.

I go out of my way to avoid the algorithm and still get quite a few ads served to me that are in my wheelhouse, as it were.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mere Exposure Effect.

It’s a psychological concept that says a person will respond more favorably toward something they’ve seen or heard of, even if they have no experience with it.

If you’ve never bought a fridge before, and you find yourself needing a fridge, you’ll think positively about fridge brands you’ve encountered (in ads, in other people’s houses, etc.), and you may ignore or think negatively about other brands that are unknown to you.

Being aware of this effect, and attempting to observe it in your own thoughts and behavior, can reduce its influence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They exist. People buying 270 dollar pairs of shorts and 300 dollar sunglasses yet can’t afford lunch the last 3 days of the pay period. The ads are peanuts when you are selling 15 dollar products for 5,000% markups, you only need 1 sucker for a few hundred thousand ads to pay for itself.

Some people just don’t understand how it works and love being part of the imaginary clubs these products suggest you are a part of if you buy into it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Drive, cue, response, reinforcement. You are hungry (drive) so you when you see an ad for food (cue) you go eat something from there (response) and you’re rewarded with the meal (reinforcement). Studying for a marketing exam rn lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone hates them. They are terrible. They are worthless…until they aren’t. Just about everyone has seen something that appeals to them from an ad. Even people hating ads have been influenced by them. Even if you don’t buy through an ad, they influence you. Your childhood is filled with memories of ads. The items that are “iconic” from your childhood were influenced by ads.

Soooo…even if we hate them, the work better than you think. Hell…even the recent Reddit/Taco Bell/Pete ad issue worked to benefit Taco Bell.

In short, even if you hate something, it may have done its job by making you think about it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>and i dont know a single person that watches them or ever purchased anything because of them

Everyone you know is affected by ads, and so are you. If it didn’t work, smart people wouldn’t be spending untold billions of dollars on it.

Source: 35 years in the biz (so far).