: who watches and consumes because of ads? why are they still a ‘thing’? as “everyone” seems to hate them and looks for ways to not see them, but ads are increasing and added to everything.


how and why are ads so effective?

ads are increasing by an alarming amount and being stuffed literally eveywhere and in everything?!

and i dont know a single person that watches them or ever purchased anything because of them, not even the moest gullible people thet where scamed with all sorts of bullshit

In: 185

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cure cancer, and tell no one, you’ll sell nothing.

Ok thats a bit extreme, but although we aren’t always sure if marketing works.

But we are sure *not* marketing doesn’t work.

Marketing has many functions, you may think it’s always about directly selling things, but thats not usually true.

Consider a high end fashion designer. If I serve you an ad for Lou buotin heels, will you buy them? Odds are your a middle aged dude, but thats not the point. The goal is to make you AWARE of the brand, and the red sole. So when a woman shopping for shoes is picking her next brand, she thinks, “no one will know that these are $800 heels, but they will recognize these”

It can also be about favorable opinion. Why does GE advertise jet engines? Because it raises consumer confidence for their product, so when the go sell to Boeing and airbus they can boast that planes with ge engines are seen as safer.

Just a few examples where marketing may not be about a direct sale.

(Though much of it is)

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