: who watches and consumes because of ads? why are they still a ‘thing’? as “everyone” seems to hate them and looks for ways to not see them, but ads are increasing and added to everything.


how and why are ads so effective?

ads are increasing by an alarming amount and being stuffed literally eveywhere and in everything?!

and i dont know a single person that watches them or ever purchased anything because of them, not even the moest gullible people thet where scamed with all sorts of bullshit

In: 185

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I find TV ads mostly unhelpful. I sometimes see an ad on Youtube that is cool, but basically if I like something, it’s not due to and ad. There are notable exceptions: I’ve visited websites for products after clicking on an IG ad. Most of the time, the products are too expensive, but I did buy the fadeaway temporary tattoos due to the ad. I see a lot of clothing ads on social media. I started buying things on Wish for awhile due to the relentless FB ads, but stopped after I got some products. Their things are low quality. My clothing decisions are mainly due to what I see on the streets and in the shops. If I already like something, then the ads do influence me a bit, I suppose.

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