: who watches and consumes because of ads? why are they still a ‘thing’? as “everyone” seems to hate them and looks for ways to not see them, but ads are increasing and added to everything.


how and why are ads so effective?

ads are increasing by an alarming amount and being stuffed literally eveywhere and in everything?!

and i dont know a single person that watches them or ever purchased anything because of them, not even the moest gullible people thet where scamed with all sorts of bullshit

In: 185

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unfortunately, they do work. You buy rice crispies and not crispy rice because you know the name. You know the name because you’ve seen the ad 1000 times.

Ever ordered Papa Johns? You sure didn’t do it because it’s healthy or cheap. You did it cause you saw an ad, thought it looked good, and started craving it. You may not have even realized the ad did it, but it did.

Of course it’s gotten out of control. Ads = revenue and so companies are buying as much as they possibly can, in search of the almighty dollar. They aren’t going to stop, because that would mean less revenue, and they have paid off congress to never regulate Ads, like other countries do. So expect things to get worse not better.

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