Why Africa is still poor? And why almost every country is poor?


Why Africa is still poor? And why almost every country is poor?

In: 21

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

in part, bc it takes a lot of misery and suffering for each person who lives a life of relative comfort, enough food, shelter, and material possessions / stability to waste time on the internet asking questions and meta questions instead of attempting, at all possible moments, to improve their lot in life. It takes a lot of slaves in Chinese factories making every electronic product in the world, serfs in sweatshops in Asia and Africa, multi-generational impoverished immigrants working in fields, central American indentured servants working in car factories, and many many other impoverished ppls just so we can get a new item in two days via Amazon Prime rush delivery or drive to Walmart, Whole Foods, and/or Kroger and live our modern lives.

I’m not judging as the alternative seems to be everyone lives in squalor as if no one does these shit jobs for low/no pay, who is going to do them and how are we to afford modernity? But, the truth is, it takes a lot of suffering to sustain comfort (even the comfort of a lower class American)

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