why after over 300 years of dutch rule, contrary to other former colonies, Indonesia neither has significant leftovers of dutch culture nor is the dutch language spoken anywhere.


why after over 300 years of dutch rule, contrary to other former colonies, Indonesia neither has significant leftovers of dutch culture nor is the dutch language spoken anywhere.

In: 9430

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For some reason, I really wanted to see how GPT-3 answered this, so… here’s what AI thinks is the answer to your question:

“There are a few reasons for this.

Firstly, the Dutch East India Company only had control of parts of Indonesia for around 100 years, and even then they weren’t always successful in enforcing their rule. The rest of the time, Indonesia was governed by native rulers. So there wasn’t really a stable period during which Dutch culture could take root.

Secondly, when the Dutch did have control, they tended to keep to themselves and didn’t try to spread their culture or language to the people living there. They also brought over relatively few Dutch settlers compared to other European colonies.

Finally, after Indonesia gained independence in 1949, the new government made a deliberate effort to promote Indonesian culture and discourage anything perceived as foreign or colonial. This included getting rid of any remaining traces of Dutch culture and promoting the use of Indonesian (which is closely related to Malay, spoken by many people in Indonesia).”

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