Why after thousands of years of consuming alcohol and bread there are still people who are allergic or intolerant to alcohol and gluten?


Why after thousands of years of consuming alcohol and bread there are still people who are allergic or intolerant to alcohol and gluten?

In: 12

21 Answers

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Simply put; there’s nothing really to select against it in such a way that either would be considerably less likely to happen. Being allergic to alcohol or gluten wouldn’t ever have been a particularly devastating affliction other than in a society where food included them in huge (basically exclusively) amounts.

The fact that the “bread and beer” tribes didn’t take over the world means that those with alcohol or gluten intolerance simply weren’t at threat to being wiped out so the genes survive.

It’s basically the same reason as to why people who get wisdom teeth still exist; they aren’t usually lethal, so there’s not much for nature to select them out of the population and replace them with us mutants that have the non-wisdom teeth gene.

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