Why album covers are square but game covers aren’t?

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Why album covers are square but game covers aren’t?

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3 Answers

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Album covers descended from vinyl record albums. The covers didn’t need to fit any kind of form factor other than big enough to hold and protect the record. So, the cases were square. CD cases are *mostly* square with a bit more space for the hinge.

Game covers descended from VHS covers, by way of DVD cases. Covers for cartridges had to fit the form of the cartridge to some degree – if cases were used. VHS, though, was the technology you would have around your television and furniture was developed to hold a library of VHS tapes. The first CD-based games were kept in cases like [music CDs](https://www.google.com/search?q=ps1+game+case&sca_upv=1&hl=en&authuser=0&sxsrf=ACQVn09d4cncxK6zY8mAkzwOf9XQb1in4g:1713381020841&iflsig=ANes7DEAAAAAZiAsrObVNJAEeT11vaoL7rs4iDJfUuA5&udm=2), but the next generation were kept in DVD cases: rectangular cases that fit the space of a VHS tape. It fits the furniture better and looks more like a library of books. That history has been preserved through the generations.

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