Why and how do the existence of hip and trendy restaurants cause rents to rise up?


I saw this meme which as an attack on these trendy burger joints, you know the one. The gentrified ones, “we do things a little different here”, 11 dollars for mac and cheese, repurposed furniture for chairs and tables, motivational words on the walls etc. and its followed by “If you see this on your street expect your rent to rise up”


I dont get it. How does it make rent go up?

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6 Answers

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Gentrified businesses popping up naturally signals that your area is becoming gentrified, hence its more expensive to live there due to higher demand for property and not enough supply. The demand being from richer people means they’re willing to pay more and rent goes up. The businesses aren’t the cause of the rent going up. They’re just a good indicator of gentrification, which will cause rent to go up.

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