Why and how does water get trapped in your ear and why is it sometimes difficult to get the water out?


Why and how does water get trapped in your ear and why is it sometimes difficult to get the water out?

In: 3989

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fyi, if you ever get water trapped in your ear, put a couple drops of rubbing alcohol in. I disrupts the cohesion forces of the water and it will come right out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve been having problems with water getting stuck in my ears, been driving me insane.

I’ve seen multiple doctors and specialists.

I’ve also been having food allergies.

Turns out my sinuses were inflamed due to my food allergies trapping water in my ears. Found out by tracking back through my food diary.

Turns out many other problems I’ve experienced for a long time are related to the food allergies also.

At least I know now why my body was going crazy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Had this recently. In my case the water hit the wax and got absorbed by the wax like a sponge. I had to get a ear specalist to remove it using some micro suction tools.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pro-tip: I have tiny ear canals and constantly get water stuck in my ears. It often causes gross infections. I tilt my head so my ear is facing down and push a piece of floss into my ear. The water grabs onto the floss and runs out!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sudden acceleration is what will remove the water from your ear. I bend me ear to one side and basically whip my head up and down. BAsically think headbanging, but with your head tilted to one side, with a focus on really accelerating to force the water out of your ear. I used to (when i was a kid) bounce with your head neautrall on my springy matteress a few times and that also worked after swimming lessons.

I also religiously use earbuds to clean my ears. Its so pleasing. Ive actually had a doctor check, and there is no wax buildup being created from it. She said the ear was squakey clean.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So everyone has got some answers for you. My advice for anyone who has water stuck in your ear is to pour more water in your ear. What’s happening is that there’s a small vacuum created with little water bubbles in your ear. Pouring more water in will break the vacuum, and allow you to tilt your head and let all the water drain out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My way to go to get water out of my ear is just spill in more water and quickly turn the head to the side to get it out. It pretty much takes the trapped water out of the ear.

Works everytime for me, when I told my friends they were also surprised.