Why ants won’t jump from hights to shortcut their way?


Ants wont die from being dropped from any height, their weight to surface area is so low that the ant will never hit a velocity that is terminal, so my question is why they won’t just jump from heights to reach certain points faster? Are they scared of heights?

In: 328

24 Answers

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Why would you, as a blind ass tiny ass bloke in a huge ass environment, just randomly jump to somewhere?

Top comment says you lose the pheromone scent, but you really have no idea how far you will be jumping down. You could fall 10m or 100m, and sure, you survive that, but *then what*? You will be displaced a huge amount of distance relative to where you used to be and how are you supposed to find your way?

I just feel like randomly yeeting yourself off an unknown height into an unknown environment is not really the best strategy for navigation.

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