Imagine you’re playing an MMO. Inside a market area. Someone sets up shop and starts selling gems for 50k each.
You shout “Buying Gems” and someone else see’s that
They proceed to buy all the gems from the shop you didn’t know about quickly, and then message you “100k each.”
You need gems, don’t see any in any shops at the front of the market, so you say okay. Then the guy comes to you and trades you.
That guy is a third party. A marketeer, if you had been slightly less lazy, you’d have paid half the price. However because you don’t want to try to make things better for yourself, you get taken advantage of and end up having to work way harder in the long run.
Sometimes the third party can be of value, if they provide a service that enhances stuff. This is usually delivery stuff, you have no problem with door dash because you don’t want to have to go get the food yourself. However most of the time, third party = legal scammer. You humans are too lazy and evil to do anything about it, so you get fucked and so do the few good people who would fight against it all.
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