In most any browser on Windows, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, finding an ad-blocking extension is a two-click solution. Yet, the process for properly blocking ads on a phone is exponentially more complicated, and the fact that many websites have their own apps such as Youtube mean that you might have to find an ad-blocking solution for each app on a case-by-case approach. Why is this the case?
In: 11732
Eli5, Computers were made back when people had to actually do technical things on their machines, this means that all the intricate stuff is not hidden away, but actually available if you know how to access it. A computer is essentially a blank canvas, you can do whatever you want on it.
Smartphones came later, when most manual tasks were already automated. So essentially they decided to give you a pre-chewed version of a computer, and hide everything technical.
And to use the drawing/painting analogy again, Apple is like a “fill with color” drawing, everytging is very rigid and you have to follow what Apple wants you to do. Android is more like a “Connect the dots” where it’s working in a certain way but you get to choose the details, and ultimately you can leave the dots hanging and do your thing
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