In most any browser on Windows, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, finding an ad-blocking extension is a two-click solution. Yet, the process for properly blocking ads on a phone is exponentially more complicated, and the fact that many websites have their own apps such as Youtube mean that you might have to find an ad-blocking solution for each app on a case-by-case approach. Why is this the case?
In: 11732
You can install the uBlock extension on mobile Firefox.
You can use Brave browser which already has adblocking.
You can install NetGuard pretty easily as well for systemwide blocking (although annoyingly it means you can’t use another VPN at the same time).
Of course this is all on Android. I assume iPhone is too locked down to do much of anything with. I avoid using my iPhone for anything other than pics/videos, calls, and texts. Although even getting those pics and videos off it is a pain in the ass now.
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