Why are ad-blocking extensions so easy to come across and install on PCs, but so difficult or convoluted to install on a phone?


In most any browser on Windows, such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge, finding an ad-blocking extension is a two-click solution. Yet, the process for properly blocking ads on a phone is exponentially more complicated, and the fact that many websites have their own apps such as Youtube mean that you might have to find an ad-blocking solution for each app on a case-by-case approach. Why is this the case?

In: 11732

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone can correct me if I’m wrong

On a computer, the extensions block ads at the browser level. It doesn’t mess with your network settings for your whole PC

On a phone, there’s no way to do that on most phone browsers for one reason or another (I think Firefox is the exception) the reason is so convoluted on phones is, generally speaking, they’re actually modifying your network settings when you turn it on (using a VPN, changing your DNS settings, ect) so instead of intercepting at the browser level it changes things for your whole phone. The plus of this though is that it also blocks adds on games and other apps as well.

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