Why are ballpoint pens non refillable, as in refilling specifically the ink rather than replacing the whole cartridge?


It seems the only “refillable ballpoints” I’ve ever come across are refilled using cartridges, but that seems kinda wasteful considering the cartridge itself isn’t recyclable or reusable. Bottle ink seems to be only used for fountain pens. Unless if I’m mistaken, why can’t ballpoints be refilled with ink? Is it not possible to take an ink syringe and bottled oil-based ink and use those to refill the cartridge?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s possible, sure, but due to the efficiency of manufacturing in bulk, it’s just simpler to replace the whole cartridge or tube, or even the whole pen.

At work we have cheap ball-point pens available everywhere for use, and in 10 years of working there, the other day was the first time one of those pens reached the point of “used up” / all out of ink. We go through pens, but they just seem to disappear from our area, people probably move them to other areas (dang thieves 😉 ). So replacing the pens has been an issue, whereas refilling them cause they ran out, almost never.

It’s like shoes; you don’t repair or replace the soles when they get worn out, you just get new shoes. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how it is.

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