Why are British royal guard’s required to maintain a poker face 100% of the time?


Why are British royal guard’s required to maintain a poker face 100% of the time?

In: 4918

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason any soldier on parade is.

Discipline and professionalism.

They are supposed to look uniform and professional, maintaining a neutral facial expression and correct stance ensures that they look good

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was a Danish royal guard and we were also required to hold a poker face. It’s to maintain discipline and to make sure we stay focused on the task of guarding. How much attention do you think a guard pays if he’s standing around smiling and chatting with tourists?

Anonymous 0 Comments

To portray discipline. A problem with militaries is that they are designed to be exceptionally violent and aggressive, which is really scary to a civilian populace. If that lethality has unrestrained emotions, it’s even scarier. The image of a lack of emotion demonstrates discipline and restraint. Similar to a leash on a dog makes people feel safer.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re not. They get scary if you interfere with their duties or present a threat. In some locations they have been moved behind the fences to reduce incidents with ignorant tourists. They are active duty soldiers. They don’t want to fuck up civilians but they will when their duty demands it.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

As they told us when I served in the SF in Greece, *You are not longer a human, you are a tool and a weapon* and if you don’t act 100% accordingly and fittingly to a unit you are no longer a *useful tool or weapon* and you would get expelled to infantry or similar.

Anonymous 0 Comments
