Why are clouds white and rain clouds dark?


Why are clouds white and rain clouds dark?

In: Earth Science

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t know but my guess is that rain clouds are so dense with water that no light can shine through them

Anonymous 0 Comments

The tops (sunlight side) of all clouds are bright.

The bottom (shadow side) of all clouds are dark.

Unless it’s night, then all clouds are dark.

Fun fact: This applies, not only to clouds, but everything with a light on one side but not the other!

Here’s a fun experiment you can do at home right now! Find any object, any object at all that isn’t transparent (DON’T choose a glass for example). Now hold the object up to any light in your home. See how the side towards the light is bright, and the other side, not so much?

Experiment like you’re five.