Why are computers more vulnerable to hackers than phones?


Why are computers more vulnerable to hackers than phones?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Computers has much more legacy code to support and that create a lot of vulnerabilities.

Also computers have to support much more protocols, which also create some vulnerabilities

Android and ios uses linux cores, which are more localized and have less attackable structure. But most importanly linux problems are much less known, because it became popular relatively recently and some thing maynot be found yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine an old house, with timber frame windows, no locks just casement stays. Night latch, single cylinder door locks. Single bolted basement hatch.

Most PCs are that house, which someone has tried to make secure by adding more locks to the places they know are weakly secured.

Phones are a modern house with triple glazed PVC multi-point locking windows and steel frame multi rod security doors.

When you take something big and complicated that was never designed to deal with modern threats and you try to secure it, you can make it pretty good, but there is always the risk of gaps. When you design something to be secure from the start it’s easier to ensure no gaps… But of course neither is perfectly secure.