Why are diesel engines known as underpowered?


I do hear a lot about diesel engines, more specifically how they have to be turbocharged and that they generally have poor acceleration etc. But why is this?

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7 Answers

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Well now that depends on what you mean by underpowered. There’s a reason race cars use gas but big trucks, bulldozers, ships, most tanks, use diesel.

If you want something that speeds up fast to launch you off a starting line, gasoline engines are built lighter as they operate at lower pressures and use a more volatile fuel.

If you want something that runs at a lower speed but at that speed provides much more torque for moving something large at a steady pace, diesel is the right tool.

Try to scale up a gas engine to run something huge? You’re going to have a bad time. Try to scale down a diesel to run something not so huge, like say a passenger sedan? You’re going to have a bad time.

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